OFMY (Ony for me and you)

토플 라이팅에 써먹을 문장 및 문단들 (3) 본문

미국 석사 준비/토플

토플 라이팅에 써먹을 문장 및 문단들 (3)

선뭉 2024. 3. 6. 00:46

7.  성공을 위한 실패

I think that maintaining positive thoughts when facing failure is more crucial than achieving immediate success.  This is primarily because it plays a significant role in fostering the essential skills necessary for success. To be specific, we should cultivate an open-minded attitude since life presents us with numerous challenges that we must navigate and overcome.  A positive mindset enables individuals to acquire a range of invaluable skills such as problem solving and ingenuity . As contemporary society becomes more complex and difficult, the demands of today’s world necessitate individuals who are good at adapting their situation and problems whether it goes well or not. Drawing from my personal experience, during highschool, I had a difficulty in my math test as it was my weakest subject.  Despite thorough preparation for a test, the results were disappointing, leading to feelings of frustration. However, maintaining a positive outlook allowed me to recognize the opportunity for further improvement and motivated me to work harder.  Consequently, I devoted more time and effort to studying math, ultimately leading to significant improvement in my proficiency.