OFMY (Ony for me and you)

토플 라이팅에 써먹을 문장 및 문단들 (2) 본문

미국 석사 준비

토플 라이팅에 써먹을 문장 및 문단들 (2)

선뭉 2024. 3. 2. 17:59

4.  연장자의 조언 in 취업 

When I was considering whether to pursue a job opportunity in a new industry, I sought advice from a senior mentor who had years of experience in various fields. They provided invaluable insights into the industry's demands, potential challenges, and growth opportunities. Their guidance helped me weigh the risks and benefits more effectively, ultimately leading to a well-informed decision to pursue the opportunity.


5. 졸업 전 경험 쌓기 

Before graduating from college, I spent a year working as an assistant English teacher in Korea. This experience had a significant impact on my life and career path. It allowed me to immerse myself in a new culture, enhance my communication and leadership skills while working with students, and ultimately gain clarity about my career aspirations in the field of English education and cultural exchange. This experience continues to shape my growth and enrich my life.



6. 세계화의 긍정영향

  • promotes cultural exchange and understanding. 
  • People can better understand and respect each other's traditions and customs. 
  • This fosters mutual understanding and cooperation
  • contributing to global peace and harmony.
In my hometown, specific dishes held cultural importance, reflecting our history. But through globalization, traveling to different countries exposed me to diverse cuisines like Korean kimchi and Japanese sushi. This broadened my culinary perspective, teaching me to appreciate and respect other cultures while valuing my own traditions.